Teeth with large fillings, fractures, or root canals can be improved and strengthened by placing crowns or “caps” on them and missing teeth can usually be replaced with the properly planned placement of bridges. Dr. Bemis will meticulously study each crown/bridge case prior to operating, so that each case is done perfectly the first time. Crowns and bridges, if placed appropriately and cared for adequately should last for many, many years. Dr. Bemis takes pride in having his fixed restorations last and function normally for longer than the standard of care. If an endodontically treated tooth presents itself, Dr. Bemis will reinforce the tooth’s core by placing a cement-retained post in the tooth’s root. Strong post and cores are the foundation to a long lasting crown or bridge restoration.
Veneers are tiny, thin, shells of ceramic material that only cover the front of a tooth. Virtually permanent and almost exclusively placed on the front/ anterior teeth, the placement of veneers allows Dr. Bemis to cover and correct chipped, cracked, discolored, or poorly positioned teeth in a minimally invasive manner. Veneers are indistinguishable from natural teeth and Dr. Bemis utilizes only the best dental labs to custom shade and match your veneers to your own personal smile. At New Leaf we are thrilled for our veneer patients, many of whom have enjoyed life changing results.
More often than not, the best method of replacing missing or lost teeth is the placement and subsequent restoration of dental implants. Having worked side by side with an implant surgeon in New York City for six years, Dr. Bemis has garnered the experience and expertise to plan and restore many different edentulous scenarios. Many patients need only a single tooth to be implanted and restored, while others might require a numerous teeth to be fixed to implants. Dr. Bemis is familiar with all these options as well as the significant monetary differences each method poses. New Leaf Family Dental will work closely between our patient, our surgeon, and finances to provide the best outcome available in each specific case.
Commonly known as “fillings”, “cavities”, or “bondings”, operative dentistry is the most conservative approach for restoring teeth compromised by fractures or tooth decay. After having placed thousands of them over the past seventeen years, Dr. Bemis is vastly experienced in the placement of composite (white) fillings. Dr. Bemis stays up to date with the current recommendations of the American Dental Association regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the myriad materials and brands available to him and his patients. At New Leaf Family Dental we take pride in educating our patients with this same scientifically proven evidence, so that they understand why a particular material and procedure has been advised to restore their dentition.
While people are keeping their teeth for a lifetime, others still suffer from total or partial tooth loss. Dr. Bemis has worked with many dental labs across Connecticut and has found the best lab technicians in the area. He can confidently, quickly, and painlessly provide most in need patients with a well-fitting, functioning, and esthetic denture. New Leaf Family Dental can also provide implant supported dentures that will increase stability and comfort for patients.